Sunday, August 10, 2008

I'm retiring--someone else will be teaching my kids this year...

Someone was praying for me today--and even though they didn't know I homeschooled, they encouraged me with the verse, "Your children shall be taught of the Lord".

Cool--maybe I'll become an unschooler after all...I've been really wondering how much I can take on this year and how much I should just let go. My dd is really into chess right now and since she's only a 2nd grader, I am pretty excited. SO, I think that will be a big part of our school day. At least to start out. And as for the rest, I'll let the Master teacher worry about that. :) That is until He tells me what else I need to be teaching.


Brandi said...

Hi LL! :-)
Have you actually looked into unschooling? I guess I am an unschooler at heart...but we will be going by The Well-Trained Mind this year. In a relaxed manner.

It is so true about the Lord teaching our little ones.

Lymeade Lady said...

Yes, I have definitely looked into unschooling! It's influenced my thinking--as in which things are learning. But I still do a bit of structure too. (My daughter likes structure more than I do!)

Marsha said...

You have two awards waiting over at my blog. Go take a look!

Marsha said...

I so loved this post! Thanks for the reminders.